2025 CCR Payment Schedule: Key Dates and Amounts Explained


The Child Care Rebate happens to be the last word support that Australian parents would look towards helping them manage the overheads associated with their children. With 2025 speed approaching, the information has to be immediately updated concerning payment dates, amounts, etc. so as to receive all entitled benefits. Here’s everything you need about CCR Payments in 2025.

What does CCR mean?

Child Care Rebate is also a new initiative of the government to lessen the costs that the parent or guardian pays on child care. This rebate covers up to 50% of out-of-pocket costs with capped total amounts claimed per annum.

In the year 2025, as ever before, the CCR is still very helpful for those families that spend a lot of money on childcare. The rebate can be used by families to cover any recognised style of child care such as long day care, family day care, and in-home care.

When will CCR payments be made in 2025?

In 2025, CCR payments are made fortnightly as scheduled to your child care provider’s invoices. But here are some crucial dates and periods specified for CCR payments below:

Quarterly Payments

Generally, the payments for CCR are made quarterly with most of the issues at the start of every quarter:

  • January-March: payment processed early April
  • April-June: Payments are made early in July.
  • July – September: Payments will be made early in October.
  • October – December: Payments will be made early in January of the next year.

Fortnightly Payments

In case the parents wish to pay fortnightly, then the payment will be made as per the billing cycle of the child care provider.

CCR Payment Amounts for 2025

The Child Care Rebate is intended for a maximum level of 50% redemption of out-of-pocket child care expenses up to a certain cap. For the year 2025, the cap remains an annual $10,000 per child meaning that the maximum rebate you could receive for one child would be $5,000 annually.

For example:

  • If you spent $12,000 in annual out-of-pocket child care expenses, then the maximum CCR you could receive would be $5,000-that is, 50% of expenses, capped.

The rebate is payable to each child separately, so for families with more than one child in child care, such rebates are usually very significantly cumulative.

Eligibility Requirements for the CCR

To receive the child care rebate for 2025, the person must meet at least the eligibility requirements below:

  1. Residence: You have to be a resident of Australia or on any eligible visa
  2. Work and study requirements: Should meet either a work, train, or study condition. Such condition includes the following: either one is working 8 hours every week or the individual has been approved for their education program
  3. Child Care Types: The provision should be through a registered child care service such as long day care, family day care and registered in-home care.
  4. Income Test: The amount of rebate one receives depends upon the income of the family. When the family earns less, a higher rebate percentage is received by them.

How to Apply for CCR Payments in 2025

Application Process for Child Care Rebate 2025. The parents can claim the Child Care Rebate from Services Australia in 2025. Here’s how you apply:

  1. Set up your MyGov account: This should be done in such a way that you are connected with Centrelink for easy access to child care payment details.
  2. Complete Your Claim: You will be able to lodge your child care rebate claim through your MyGov account. It will ask for information about income and child care services used for the claim of claiming.
  3. Work with Your Child Care Provider: Your child care provider will also need to confirm the attendance details of your child, ensuring that the information matches your application.


The CCR is still one of the most significant financial supports available to Australian families to reduce the burden of child care costs. Staying updated on dates and amounts of payment and eligibility for 2025 will ensure that you are claiming the maximum possible. If eligible, apply early, keep records of your expenditure, and work out your budget for child care based on when the next payments will be received.


Who gets CCR in Canada?

You were 19 years of age or over. You had an eligible spouse or common-law partner.

What is CCR payment?

Offers tax-free compensation to people and households as carbon pricing starts to bite on the expenses.

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